Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Electronic Media

Question: What are thecodes of practices regarding marketing through direct relations and use of electronic media? Answer: Introduction The present report entails the legal factors of Australia, regulations and legislations that may impact the marketing operations. For an organisation to function, the national standards of the country provide a framework, within company practices are limited. There are several organisations that take responsibility for implementation of laws and code of practices, in Australia, that effectively control malpractices by organisation that damage the customer rights. The objective of such regulations is to maintain reliable advertisement techniques, as deceptive claims regarding products or service can lead the consumers to make a purchase under false pretenses (Lister, 2016). Legislations and Regulations Marketing operations by organisations are filtered through the following laws to protect the consumers from misleading promotions and advertisements.1. Australian Consumer Law (2010): Its regulating body is ACCC, which applies its practices to consumers and businesses. Its aim is to protect the consumer rights regarding deception or misleading information, transaction, product safety, and empowering the consumers in case of company malpractice (Commonwealth of Australia, 2016).2. Competition and Consumer Act (2010): The purpose of this Act is to enhance the safety of Australians consumers by endorsing just transaction and market competition, through safe product provision, reducing unethical marketing, supervise pricing strategies, and laws regarding mergers and acquisition strategy (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 2014). Code of practiceSeveral organisations have enforced codes of practices regarding marketing through direct relations and use of electronic media, res pectively. These codes are described as following.1. Direct Marketing Code of Practice: This code of practice has been regulated by ADMA, which is required to be followed by all members of the association. Its objective is to aid organisations to improve marketing outcomes through the progressive use of direct marketing (Australian Direct Marketing Association, 2010). It minimizes the danger of infringing the legislations placed and promote ethical practices (ADMA, 2016). 2. Australian e-Marketing Code of Practice: This code of practices provides limitation for the corporates regarding sending commercial messages through electronic media (email, mobile) and other promotional practices (ACA, 2005). Confidentiality and Privacy issues: Australian consumers demand security and discretion, with regard to personal information. Since 2001, the Australian Government formed a Privacy Act in 1988 which regulates the handling of personal information of citizens. Office of Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) is appointed as the regulatory body for the implementation of this act (OAIC, 2015).Big data can be quite valuable for businesses for attaining insight of the customer profile, such as using birthdays marked on social calendars to offer gifting services. To decrease breach of such sensitive data, the Spam Act and Privacy Act, in terms of marketing, restricts the companies to approach customers regarding promotions through email and messages without their consent (Saadati Christie, 2013). Social Responsibility and Cultural Diversity OECD guidelines for Multinational Corporations, in Australia, guide the organisations to make economic, environmental and social progress, abide by human rights and maintain good governance to build trust between the company and the society as part of their social responsibility (ACCSR, n.d.).Australia boasts a diverse culture which can be used to the advantage of corporations for marketing, through linguistic skills and cultural knowledge (FECCA, 2013). The cultural diversity in a society can benefit the corporates economically through catering to tourists and exports. It drives the market by bringing competition to the market for innovative ideas (SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd., n.d.). Ethical Principles Marketing, since the introduction of technology has been expanded to global scale. It makes misuse of information and application of unethical tactics likely. To address these ethical concerns, ethical codes have been prepared by different organisations.1. AANA Code of Ethics: This code is implemented by AAN, through which they aim to regulate their advertising and marketing practices. The produced promotions are required to be legally reliable and authentic claims should be made in marketing campaigns (AANA, 2013). 2. AMSRS Code of Professional Ethics: The members of Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS) are to adhere to this set of regulations. Its main purpose entails implementation of ethical regulation for marketing, organisation and social researchers so that the public can trust the researchers (AMSRS, 2015). Safety issues ACCC has regulated the provision of safe products, through the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). It includes preventing sale of banned products that are restricted by the state. Consumer guarantees are provided for the consumer to refund a product if deemed unsafe, and in case of failure to comply, customers can take action against the responsible company. Similarly, there are rules regarding mandatory standards for product, bans, recall, product liability etc. (ACCC, 2013). Conclusion The framework and set of rules outline the method to which the companies should conform to. Australia has appointed several organisations to ensure the protection of consumer rights and effective marketing within the boundaries of ethical code provided by state laws and other organisations empowered by the federation for the implementation of these laws. It highlights the importance of consumer rights and empowerment in Australia. References AANA. (2013). CODE OF ETHICS. Retrieved from https://aana.com.au/content/uploads/2014/05/AANA-Code-of-Ethics.pdfACA. (2005). Australian eMarketing code of practice. Retrieved from /Australian%20EMarketing%20Code%20of%20Practice.pdfACCC. (2013). Product safety. Retrieved July 22, 2016, from https://www.accc.gov.au/business/treating-customers-fairly/product-safety#product-safety-regulationACCSR. What is CSR? Retrieved July 22, 2016, from https://accsr.com.au/what-is-csr/ADMA. (2016). ADMA code of practice. Retrieved July 22, 2016, from https://www.admaknowledgelab.com.au/compliance/compliance-help/general/data-and-privacy/codes-and-guides/adma-code-of-practice/AMSRS. (2015). AMSRS code of professional behaviour. Retrieved from https://www.amsrs.com.au/documents/item/194Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. (2014). Legislation. Retrieved July 22, 2016, from https://www.accc.gov.au/about-us/australian-competition-consumer-commission/legislationFECCA. (2013). Factsheet 9 Cultural diversity and market development1. Retrieved from https://fecca.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/factsheet-9-cultural-diversity-and-market-development1.pdfOAIC. (2015, July 28). Privacy act. Retrieved July 22, 2016, from https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/privacy-act/SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd. Economic benefits of cultural diversity - SGS economics planning. Retrieved July 22, 2016, from https://www.sgsep.com.au/publications/economic-benefits-cultural-diversity.

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