Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Mercy Killing of the Terminally Ill - 550 Words

Should Mercy Killing of the Terminally Ill be allowed? (Essay Sample) Content: Should Mercy Killing of the Terminally Ill be allowed? Name:Course Title:Instructors Name:Date: Should Mercy Killing of the Terminally Ill be allowed?Life is a precious gift that everyone is looking forward to prolong through any possible means. However, it is prudent to reiterate that there are cases when patients are faced with no hope of recovery. The essay will be focused on whether to agree or disagree with a decision to allow mercy killing of the terminally ill.A deliberate advancement of an individuals death also termed as euthanasia is in myriad cases performed due to a persons decision to terminate his/ her life, but it may not be realistic to adhere to such requests (Ridges, 2003). In a wider scope, it is skillful to support the decision to allow for mercy killing for terminally ill patients especially through failing to administer the necessary procedure that would enhance or prolong a terminally ill patients life or injecting such a patient with lethal dru gs that would terminate life (Huxtable, 2007).It is immoral to deny a human being of a chance to live, but for terminally ill patients, the decision to terminate life is possible since their poor medical conditions are likely to continue for over decades without realizing any positive reaction to medication (Ridges, 2003). This in return denies other patients of a chance for admission in the respective health institutions. In addition, such cases often lead to numerous complications and loss of lives that would otherwise be salvaged. This affirms the need to agree with a decision to accept mercy killing of the terminally ill patients (White, 2008).Some chronic illnesses are contagious hence require much care when dealing with patients (Ridges, 2003). In addition, there are myriad cases when the relatives may obviously not be able to bare the hefty costs incurred in curing the illness with no hopes of recovery. Such conditions warrant mercy killing of the terminally ill patients. Hen ce mercy killing should be allowed based on tangible and realistic factors (White, 2008). ConclusionTerminal sicknesses are incurable. The many situations associated with such illnesses necessitate the decision to support mercy killing of the infected. To save l...

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